Social Proof is a psychological principle that marketers have been utilizing for a long time. The idea is that when people see that other people have exhibited positive action, that action is acceptable and encouraged.
Social proof is evidence that other users or consumers have found value in your content, product, or service.
We’ve built social proof into our plugin. Your social share buttons will display exactly how many times your content has been shared on each social network.
You can also customize how your social proof is displayed. You can:
- Display individual button counts: This will show share counts on each individual share button.
- Display total counts: This will show the total of all counts for each button and can be displayed on the left or right of the sharing buttons.
- Minimum share count: This will hide all counts until a certain minimum number is met to avoid displaying low numbers.
Social Warfare will display counts for all networks with a share count function– yes, even tweet counts!
The following networks do not share counts:
If you’d like to know exactly how we manage to show the share counts for each network, read this article.