The share count settings allow you to control how and when the share counts are displayed.
Button Counts: This toggle determines whether the share count for each social network will be displayed on each individual button.
Total Counts: This toggle determines whether the total shares added up from all networks combined will be displayed.
Minimum Shares: Low share count numbers can negatively affect a visitor’s perception of your content. If you have very low numbers on the buttons, it can cause people to feel like your content isn’t as important as content with higher share numbers. To avoid this, we’ve developed a way to establish a minimum threshold of total shares that must be met before the plugin will begin showing numbers.
For example: if you set the minimum shares to 25, then neither the button share counts nor the total share counts will be displayed until the total shares are equal to or greater than 25 shares. Once your post has 25 total shares, both the button share counts and the total share counts will be turned on (assuming you have them turned on in the above two settings).
With the Social Warfare Pro add-on, we will never display share counts when their number is 0. At a minimum, there must be one share before we display an actual number on the buttons.
For more information, be sure to check out our guide, Social Proof and Share Buttons: What You Need To Know.